• Phone: +23566205134
  • info@africaconsumers.org

What is AUC?

The African Consumer Union, abbreviated as "AUC" is a continental non-governmental non-profit organization that brings together national and independent consumer organizations in Africa. It currently has 40 consumer organizations from 30 African countries.

The AUC was created on July 23, 2015 in N'Djamena on the sidelines of the Pan-African Forum on Consumer Protection which took place in this city from July 21 to 23, 2015.

Our vision

An Africa where decision-makers, producers and consumer citizens interact in favor of local, healthy, integrated, sustainable and fair consumption.

Our goals

♦ Work for the Union of all African Consumer Organizations in order to boost the well-being of Consumers of the Continent at this time of globalization and globalization.
♦ Promote consumption models and choices that promote development in Africa.
♦ Promote political dialogue between consumer organizations, governments, regional and sub-regional integration organizations, the business community as well as technical and financial partners (PTF) on major issues and subjects in terms of consumption in Africa
♦ Ensure the watch and alert mission

Our Strategy

The AUC has adopted the following approach:

♦ work to build the capacity of its members, consult and structure member consumer organizations in each African country with a view to their participation / involvement in the definition and im-plementation of development policies and programs;

 Promote and allow the sharing of information on consumer protec-tion

Carry out studies and research on the relevant points affecting Afri-can consumers;

Launch information and advocacy campaigns at regional or sub-regional level; to promote the consideration of consumers' interests by governments, regional and sub-regional organizations;

Ensure the representation of its members at continental and interna-tional levels;

Foster consultation and cooperation between UAC and other similar organizations in Africa and around the world.

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